# Loop over and analyse the web logs for i in `seq 11 -1 0`; do webalizer -o output -p -D /var/tmp/dnscache -N 4 -p -n www.pisoftware.com -r www.pisoftware.com ./www.pisoftware.com-access.log.$i ; done # Remove all local addresses from web logs for i in `seq 12 -1 0`; do grep -h -v ^203.20.51. www.pisoftware.com-access.log.$i >> access.log; done # Print out all matching fields that occur more than once perl -ane '$D{$F[0]}++; } { foreach (keys %D) { print "$_\n" if ($D{$_} > 1) } ;' foo # Replace all ips with their hostnames, if possible perl -MSocket -pe's/^([0-9.]+)/(gethostbyaddr(inet_aton($1),AF_INET))[0]||$1/e' file # Find out how many instances and what hosts are connecting to a certain port grep :1433 /var/log/kern.log | perl -ane '($host,$port) = $F[11] =~ m/^(.*):(.*)$/; print "$host\n";' | sort | uniq -c # Replace all instances of a word with another perl -pi.bak -e 's/index.htm\"/index.html\"/' *.html # Remove a line that matches a regex perl -lane 'print unless m//' # Pull out all hits from SA in spam box perl -lane '$foo = $_; if ($foo =~ /\((.*) hits/) { print "$1" };' Spam # Add in another link on the menu bar on my website perl -pi -e 's!LWN
\n!' *.html # Summary from evaluation.log perl -MSocket -F' :: ' -ane 'print "$F[2] from $F[3] <$F[0]> at ", (gethostbyaddr(inet_aton($F[5]),AF_INET))[0]||$F[5] ," downloaded $F[6] $F[7] $F[8] $F[9]\n"' ./evaluation.log # Check what MUAs are being used egrep 'User-Agent|X-Mailer' mbox | perl -F/:/ -ane 'chomp($F[1]); $tmp{$F[1]}++; } { foreach $mua (sort keys(%tmp)) { print "$mua: $tmp{$mua}\n"; }' # Match [ABCD-abcd] at end of line perl -lne 'if (/ne 'if (/\[([A-Z]{4}-[a-z]{4})\]$/) { print $1; }' # Cat all log files to one for i in `seq 23 -1 1`; do zcat /var/log/apache/staff.pisoftware.com-access.log.$i.gz >> staff.log; done cat /var/log/apache/staff.pisoftware.com-access.log.0 >> staff.log cat /var/log/apache/staff.pisoftware.com-access.log >> staff.log for i in Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May; do (grep "/$i/" staff.log > staff.$i.log); done for i in Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May; do webalizer -c /etc/webalizer/staff.pisoftware.com staff.$i.log; done for i in www.qinvest.com.au www.queenslandsugar.com www.srdc.gov.au www.pisoftware.com.au; do for j in `seq 30 -1 1`; do zcat $i-access.log.$j.gz >> /var/tmp/logs/$i.log; done; cat $i-access.log.0 >> /var/tmp/logs/$i.log; cat $i-access.log >> /var/tmp/logs/$i.log; done # Move *.1600.jpg to *.jpg for i in *; do cp $i ../`basename $i .1600.jpg`.jpg; done # Convert from one format to another for i in *png; do convert $i ${i%png}eps; done [03:09PM] Jiko: hdparm -u 1 -d 1 -A 1 -a -c 1 /dev/hde :) Evil hack to see what files people have downloaded zcat access.log.gz | grep username; done | perl -ane 'print "$F[4] $F[6]\n"' | sort -rn | less awk '/default.ida/ {print $3}' /var/log/squid/access.log egrep -h 'root.exe|cmd.exe| 408 ' *access* | perl -ane 'print "$F[0]\n"' | sort | uniq | wc -l grep WEB-IIS /var/log/auth.log | perl -ne 'm/\]: ([0-9.:]+) -> (.*)$/; $in = $1; $us = $2; @foo = split(/:/, $in); print "$foo[0]\n";' | sort | uniq | wc -l # Split into 1G sized files dd if=/dev/hda1 | split --bytes=1000m - outputfile # Backing up a raw device # On laptop dd if=/dev/hda1 | gzip -f - | nc carmack 5050 # On server nc -l -p 5050 | gzip -d -f > filename # find all lists that have a .config but not a subscribers file for i in *.config; do if [ ! -e ${i%.config} ]; then echo ${i%.config}; fi; done Solaris ------- who -r tells what runlevel you're in on Solaris Sol CPU stuff mpstat 3 prtdiag -v uname -X prstat pkgrm `pkginfo | grep IBM | cut -d" " -f 2` for i in *.tar; do nam=`basename $i .tar`; tar xvf $i; cd $nam; patchadd .; cd ..; rm -r $nam; done When installing a patch cluster, a return code of 2 or 8 is ok - means either already applied or not needed pkill = equivalent of Linux's killall /etc/nodename = hostname /etc/defaultrouter = default route ip address /etc/defaultdomain = domain name /etc/inet/* = network config stuff /etc/gateways = router /etc/notrouter = multihomed host, not a router From ok prompt, boot -s to boot single user /usr/bin/showrev -p shows patch revisions snoop = equivalent of tcpdump Network stuff ------------- netstat -s = tcp/ip stats netstat -i = interface stats netstat -r = routing table SQL --- Postgresql ---------- $ sudo -u postgres psql select * from pg_user; alter user username with password 'passwd'; Mysql ----- # mysql -u root mysql mysql> UPDATE user SET Password=PASSWORD ('new_password') WHERE user='root'; mysql> FLUSH PRIVILEGES; # Let bugs@carmack.bne.pisoftware.com have all privileges on bugs db GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES on bugs.* to bugs@carmack.bne.pisoftware.com; # See what databases mysql> select database(); # See whats inside the currently selected db mysql> show tables; # See what a table is mysql> describe ; SSL --- $ openssl genrsa -des3 -rand /var/log/messages.4:/var/log/lastlog:/var/log/cron.3:/usr/local/apache/logs/ssl_engine_log.2.gz:/usr/local/apache/logs/access_log.4.gz -out /var/tmp/conveyancing.pisoftware.com.key 1024 $ openssl req -new -key /var/tmp/conveyancing.pisoftware.com.key -out /var/tmp/conveyancing.pisoftware.com.csr $ openssl x509 -req -days 30 -in /var/tmp/conveyancing.pisoftware.com.csr -signkey /var/tmp/conveyancing.pisoftware.com.key -out /var/tmp/conveyancing.pisoftware.com.crt # Check how many configs have appropriate options set, regardless of if they're modules or not grep -hv "^$" *2.4* | grep -v "^#" | sed 's/=.$//g' | sort | uniq -c | sort -rn | sort -b -k 2 | less Real ---- # Encoding $ ./realproducer -l 0,6 -s carmack:4040/foo.rm -y 0 -vl 5 -v 2 -vx 320,240 -u admin -p C0ffee! -t 5 use http://host:8080/ramgen/encoder/foo.rm Hardware -------- Use scsi bios (usually ctrl-a) on boot to change IRQ Don't forget to reserve irq in pci / pnp section of bios # To get kernel version on all hosts for i in lee cheswick clarke raymond stallman babbage minter cox adams abrash knuth brin carmack asimov pike joy skud kildall zaphod trillian zwicky romero hopper rusty miller conway morris; do ssh -x $i uname -a | perl -ane 'print "$F[1]: $F[2]\n"'; done Spider ------ spider --file /spare/gallery.xml --filePath /spare/pics/ --inputImagePath /cdrom/pictures/20020709-coronation_drive/ Exim ---- for i in `grep -l -- -frozen /var/spool/exim/input/* | cut -d- -f0-3`; do mv $i* /var/tmp/foo; done File extensions --------------- # find out how many of each extension files there is find . -type f | sed -e 's/^.*\.\([^.]*\)$/\1/g' | tr [A-Z] [a-z] | sort | uniq -c # get the size for each extension for i in `cat /var/tmp/list2.txt`; do echo -n $i; find . -type f -iname \*.$i -exec du -s {} \; | perl -ane '$tot += $F[0]; } { print ": $tot\n";'; done > /var/tmp/totals.txt # find the first file of each extension for i in `cat /var/tmp/list2.txt`; do find . -type f -iname \*.$i | head -1; done # copy the first file of each extension to a peer directory for i in `cat /var/tmp/list2.txt`; do cp -p --parents "`find . -type f -iname \*.$i | head -1`" /spare/doar/data-subset/; done # Find out what deleted files are open $ sudo lsof +L1 Backups ------- # tar cvf - /Medic | ssh bmarshal@carmack "cat - > /spare/medic.tar" GPG --- $ for i in `gpg --list-keys | grep pub | perl -ane '$foo = (split(/\//, $F[1]))[1]; print "$foo\n"';`; do gpg --recv-key $i; done $ for i in `for i in \`gpg --list-public-keys | grep pub | perl -ane '$foo = (split(/\//, $F[1]))[1]; print "$foo\n"';\`; do gpg --textmode --list-sigs $i; done | grep sig | perl -ane 'if (length($F[1]) == 1) { print "$F[2]\n"; } else { print "$F[1]\n" }';`; do gpg --recv-key $i; done $ for i in `for i in \`gpg --list-public-keys | grep pub | perl -ane '$foo = (split(/\//, $F[1]))[1]; print "$foo\n"';\`; do gpg --textmode --list-sigs $i; done | grep sig | perl -ane 'if (length($F[1]) == 1) { print "$F[2]\n"; } else { print "$F[1]\n" }' | sort | uniq;`; do gpg --recv-key $i; done Distcc ------ time MAKE="make -j3" DISTCC_HOSTS="carmack trillian brin" fakeroot make-kpkg binary-arch Samba ----- perl -F/:/ -ane 'print "/usr/local/sbin/smbldap-useradd -a -u $F[2] -g $F[3] -n $F[0]\n";' users-id.txt VIM --- Marking: m to mark, ' to reference it ie, mm and mn at two points :'m,'ns/blah/foo/ Folds: #zF folds # lines zo opens again :help zf for more info With marking, :'m,'nfo will fold between those two marks Visual: ^V to go to visual mode, hilight what you want Hit : then any commands are applied to the highlighted bit Upper case first letter of each line: %s!^.!\U\0!g \L is lower case Exim ---- Check how an address will be delivered exim -bt
Force delivery of a stuck message, using debugging exim -d -M sendmail -Mt to thaw a message sendmail -Mvl to view the log -Mvh to view header -Mvb to view body sendmail -Mrm to remove the queued message sendmail -Mar
to add a recipient to a message