Brad's Publications


Basic Introduction to Perl

This article was written for SAGE-AU Sage-Advice newsletter and published in the December 1999 edition as a basic introduction to Perl, and as a starter for my (hopefully) regular Perl column.

Perl Command Line Options

This article was written for the March 2000 edition of SAGE-AU's Sage-Advice newsletter. It covers useful Perl one-liners, and the associated command line options.

Perl and Net::LDAP

This article was written for the December 2000 edition of SAGE-AU newsletter SAGE-Advice, and covers some basics of using Perl and Net::LDAP.

Introduction to Using Databases with Perl
This article covers basic use of DBI with Perl, and shows how to connect to a database, prepare a query and return data. Written in November 2003 and published in December 2003 SAGE Advice.
Sending Mail the Net::SMTP Way
This article covers how to send mail using Net::SMTP and other interesting things you can do with it. Written in December 2003 and published in March 2004 SAGE Advice.
Perl Mail Box Manipulation
This article covers how to manipulate mailbox using Mail::Box and other interesting things you can do with it. Written in January 2004 and published in March 2004 SAGE Advice.
Perl-PHP Rosetta Stone

Rosetta stone that covers doing various things in Perl and PHP. Started in March 2004.

Inline Replacing Text with Perl

Explains how to do search and replaces on files inline using Perl.

Perl Autosplit One-Liners

Shows how useful perl autosplit one liners can be.

Read Receipts in Email

Shows the format of the email header to get read receipts.

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